Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gout Cures

Gout Home Cures

Did you know that millions of people all over the world suffer from the painful effects of Gout? It is true. It is one of the most dreaded of all arthritic attacks which attacks people, particularly middle-aged males and post menopausal females. A Gout attack can leave the person rather immobilized due to the excruciating pain caused, and can leave them helpless and depressed to a great extent. Although there are medications to manage Gout and keep it under control, most people prefer Gout Home cures so as to minimize side effects naturally.

Doctors normally prescribe drugs ranging from NSAIDs to stop the inflammation to medicines like Allopurinol which will reduce the uric acid levels in the body that are responsible for this condition in the first place. But the problem with drugs is that since Gout is largely incurable, they have to be taken for a very long period of time, often years, so as to keep the disease under control. In many cases, this may lead to drastic side effects, often damaging many a vital internal organ within the body. Home cures for Gout are largely popular these days since they provide relief from the ill effects of Gout very effectively. Given below are certain ways in which Gout can be effectively cured at home.

    It is very important to drink lots of water as it will result in keeping the body hydrated at all times. Dehydration is sometimes the main culprit in the uric acid buildup, which ultimately results in gout. Ideally, persons suffering from Gout should drink at least half their body weight in ounces of water daily. For example, if the patient weighs 120 lbs, he should be drinking 60 ounces of water per day.
    Proteins, especially those that are obtained from Animals can increase the level of uric acid in the body. It is best to avoid a high purine diet that can include meat, especially organ meat, in your diet.
    Avoid or limit alcohol intake. Alcohol, especially beer and spirits have been proven to increase the uric acid levels in the body which are responsible for Gout.
    Supplement your Vitamin C intake since it is supposed to be extremely beneficial for Gout. It has been proved that those who took about 1500 mg Vitamin C on a daily basis had lesser chances of contracting Gout and moreover it also helped in arresting Gout attacks to a certain extent.
    Consumption of 30 - 40 cherries on a daily basis is said to be a very effective Home Treatment for Gout. Cherries and even Bilberries for that matter are rich in antioxidants which help in controlling gout. They also display anti-inflammatory properties which can take care of the pain and swelling that are common symptoms of Gout, thus being an effective Home Remedy.

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